Markets are fundamentally volatile. No way around it. Your problem is not in the math. There is no math to get you out of having to experience uncertainty. ~Ed Seykota If you would like to watch the weekly State of the Market video, please click the provided link. I will be in travels from Friday through Monday. Unfortunately we will have…
Weekly State of the Market: Consolidation Arrives
A financial market resource for the every-day investor and trader.
Morgan Stanley Focus On Low Bar Set Up For 2020
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
At first glance, U.S. equities seem to be riding a bullish wave. The S&P 500 is up more than...
Where Are We In The Artificial Intelligence Cycle & More
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
While the Nvidia hype would make you believe the company owns and drives the entire AI narrative, investors would...
Market spotlight: Bull market? 5 signs things could be getting better
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
By J.P. Morgan Wealth Management There’s no shortage of worries batting around: the Fed is holding resolute on its...
Weekly State Of The Market: Trading Range, Be Tactical & Optimistic
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
“Bear markets do not end until: 1) sellers have panicked; and 2) buyers are panicked to buy again.” ~The...
Morgan Stanley Goes Full Bull on Staples, Adds GOOGL To Focus Buy List
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
Weekly Warm-up: More on The Mid Cycle Transition to Quality; Staples over Discretionary Last week we argued for a...
Energy positive returns 6 consecutive months. Stick with Epicenter in 2H2021.
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
STRATEGY: Stick with Epicenter in 2H2021. Strong markets stay strong. US COVID-19 deaths are “unvaccinated” Americans COVID-19 cases could...
Weekly State Of The Market: Data-Deluge
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
Keep it simple stunad! Permabears/doomsayers live in a world of predetermined, low probability, negative finality. Bulls/optimists get paid! You...
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