Seth Golden and
retiresoon9 are now friends 8 months ago
Hi Seth, followed you from X.com .. I don’t see any content as a member paying $18.99/mo. Am I missing something?
Yes, all of this content can be viewed by simply clicking the Research & Reports tab atop the home page or Recent Research tab down the left side of the home page
The last report is dated 3/8/2021. Where are the latest weekly reports?
Our platform has direct message capability if you go to your profile page and explore. It’s really simple, please follow the directions I offered i.e. on the home page, if you simply scroll down to RECENT RESEARCH REPORTS header, you will see all the recent reports. Secondly, you should have also received an email to the video report this morning. If you are having difficulty please email me directly.
You went to far down, scroll up from there and you will see the reports under the header RECENT RESEARCH REPORTS