Kevin Ann replied to the topic Short-term options: Edge for longs due to gamma? in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 8 months ago
I’d say the following four issues must be accounted for and may diminish any edge.
1. Implied volatility premium (ever present)
2. Remaining time value (Theta decay is not just large, but is increasing)
3. Bid-Ask spread (2x if you’re going long, then selling back)
4. Transaction costsI haven’t done specific calculations, but these factors tend…[Read more]
Kevin Ann replied to the topic No more naked selling of UVXY calls for me… in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 11 months ago
It’s just wild thinking through the levels of abstraction here: (1) Complex spreads on (2) options based on (3) ETFS ($VXX and $UVXY primarily) based on (4) front two-month rolled futures on (5) the VIX volatility index that tracks an (6) options chain based on (7) the S&P500 index of (8) common stock that denotes (9) ownership in a corporation…[Read more]
Kevin Ann replied to the topic No more naked selling of UVXY calls for me… in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 11 months ago
I’m trying to understand duration WRT to net short options, net long options, and VIX-derived underlying.
As you know, an important rationale for options positions is Theta time decay. When applied to to VIX-products like $VXX and $UVXY especially, it seems like even though options Theta decay is important for both net long and net short options…[Read more]
Kevin Ann replied to the topic No more naked selling of UVXY calls for me… in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 11 months ago
I’ve been trying to think of when it would be ideal to short bear credit call spreads vs. long bear put spreads.
It would seem that implied volatility rank (IV rank) would be the determining factor.
– If there’s been market activity that causes IV rank to quickly rise, such as a quick upspike, IV rank will be high and it favors shorting bear…[Read more]
Kevin Ann replied to the topic No more naked selling of UVXY calls for me… in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 11 months ago
Me too! I currently sell lots of options spreads on high implied volatility rank options 30-75 days out for dozens of companies. It requires a 4,000 line Python program I wrote to connect to the Interactive Brokers API run continuously run for scanning, filtering, and trade management.
I’m considering unwinding all of them and focusing…[Read more]
Kevin Ann replied to the topic No more naked selling of UVXY calls for me… in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 11 months ago
I just went short 30x $VXX June 30/35 Credit call spreads as a feeler. I plan to scale to 100x on this particular position. And consider doing the equivalent on $UVXY and/or other expiration months for time diversification.
Kevin Ann started the topic Term Structure: Spot Price and Front Months in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 11 months ago
Please find below a quick drawing I made based on the latest at VixCentral. I had two quick questions:
1. Does it matter if the front month is lower than spot for Contango, or higher than spot for Backwardation?
Since the funds are selling the front month and buying the back month, it makes sense to me that only the upward slope matters between…[Read more] -
Kevin Ann replied to the topic Programming for Trade Assistance in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 11 months ago
Hey Andrew,
Sure. IB’s API can basically do all the crucial tasks that its desktop client Trader Workstation (TWS) can do, since it connects to IB through TWS. TWS has more capability like various proprietary modules, but the API is great for pure data stuff. I haven’t used other platforms besides ThinkOrSwim, but it seems the desktop clients for…[Read more]
Kevin Ann replied to the topic To Explain or To Predict in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 11 months ago
Agreed. Sometimes those statistics may be worse than useless and may start to be super dangerous when the models are misapplied. Believing that the Normal distribution is Truth, then getting you face ripped off by (allegedly) “25 standard deviation moves, multiple days in a row” like Goldman ex-CFO David Viniar said.
Kevin Ann replied to the topic I'm Out in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 11 months ago
$VXX Feb 28/33 Bear Call Credit spread
$UVXY Mar 10/15 Bear Call Credit spreadI’m primarily an options spread seller, so I had these positions on before I started looking seriously into this short VIX trade. They’re obviously feeling a bit of heat, but I have a bit of time on both of them.
Kevin Ann started the topic Programming for Trade Assistance in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 11 months ago
What sort of things do you think would be useful to code up to enhance this overall short VIX strategy? I’m thinking more indicators, backtesting, general analytics, etc., and less trade execution.
Context: I spent three months in my spare time writing up 4,000 lines of Python code to interact with the Interactive Brokers API for my risk-defined…[Read more]
Kevin Ann started the topic Bear Credit Call Spreads in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 11 months ago
I saw the post about Bear Debit Put Spreads, so I’d like anyone’s thoughts on Bear Credit Call spreads for decaying ETFs like $VXX and $UVXY.
Note: context since the seemingly opposite trade with selling Bull Credit Put Spreads on an inverse instrument like $SVXY are not necessarily opposite in every way.In my bread-and-butter options trading,…[Read more]
Kevin Ann started the topic To Explain or To Predict in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 11 months ago
Here’s a very cool paper: To Explain or to Predict by Prof. Galit Schmueli
https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.ss/1294167961The paper goes into backwards-looking statistical descriptive statistics vs. forward-looking prescriptive probabilities, and issues surrounding that. It’s particularly important since lots of risk measures (e.g. volatility),…[Read more]