• Seth Golden posted an update 5 years ago

    Per Morgan Stanley
    3 observations from Morgan Stanley:

    1. Positioning is now lighter than even 2015 / 2016, and most cases since 2008.

    2. $450B of equity has left Mutual Funds and ETFs into money markets this year.

    2. Exposure-wise, L/S HF nets are < 5th %-ile, while Systematic leverage is in the 20-30th %-ile.

  • Seth Golden posted an update 5 years ago

    Chart of the day is $TNX layover with Crude oil. Followed each other post the ISM data release.
  • Bernstein believes the recent inversion of the yield curve signifies just a 2% increase in recession risk. The recession probability of the yield curve signal is continuous, but the common interpretation treats it as a binary recession/non-recession signal. While the YC used to be a nifty tool for interpreting monetary policy, various factors…[Read more]

  • Seth Golden posted an update 5 years ago

    Pension fund deleveraging since 2007, from equities
  • Market fundamentals have changed little and stock valuations remain attractive – especially if you shop from the many cheap sectors.

    There are many interesting themes, including the following:

    Stocks can rise, even in this uncertain environment.
    The trade story remains the most important, since it lies behind the low world-wide interest r…[Read more]

  • Mislav´s 5 reasons to remain bullish:
    1) Fed is easing, but without HY spreads or jobless claims spiking, both of which typically deteriorate into a recession. Crucially, if initial Fed cuts are not followed by a recession, the next 3, 6 and 12 months equity returns were historically very strong–

    2) Global activity momentum is likely to look be…[Read more]

  • Friday’s NFP May prove of greater significance than most are currently considering. Recall in Feb. 2018 the NFPs wave component accelerated beyond economists’ projections and investors feared it would prove a lasting inflationary contributor. Markets were rocked by 1,000 point moves on the Dow. Beyond the headline number and with companies loo…[Read more]

  • The Morgan Stanley QDS Pension Rebalancing Model estimates that there will be $30 to $40bn inflows to Equities from pensions through the first week of September, and an estimated $40bn has likely hit the market already this month – for a total of $75bn inflows from the first week of August through the first week of September.

  • JPM: Nearing the time to add back risk
    1. At the overall market level, the consolidation seen over the past few weeks has contributed to an improvement in a number of tactical indicators that were stretched entering the month. HF beta has come down appreciably, RSIs have normalised and Bull-Bear is not complacent anymore. EY-BY spread has improved…[Read more]

  • Quick profit on Finom Group’s trade alert for TVIX overnight
  • The below is being relayed by the European Commission, saying that both leaders will have a telephone call later this afternoon.

    The pound is continuing to hold more optimistic on the day amid talks of opposition leaders hoping to stop a no-deal Brexit but also as Boris Johnson is seen to be more optimistic about avoiding a no-deal outcome…[Read more]

  • David Kostin of Goldman Sachs: “Our year-end S&P 500 price target of 3100 represents a 9% return from the current level. However, US-China trade represents a significant source of uncertainty to our projection; a downside scenario could see the S&P 500 end 2019 at roughly 2620, or 8% below the current level”

  • “China called last night our top trade people and said ‘let’s get back to the table’ so we will be getting back to the table and I think they want to do something. They have been hurt very badly but they understand this is the right thing to do and I have great respect for it. This is a very positive development for the world,” Trump said. htt…[Read more]

  • CME FedWatch Tool suggests 93% probability for a 25 bps rate cut at FOMC’s next meeting in mid-September.
  • Seth Golden and Profile picture of logoslogos are now friends 5 years, 1 month ago

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