• Seth Golden posted an update 5 years ago

    Morgan Stanley: More on MoMO sell-offs and subsequent equity performance
    1. As of yesterday’s close, Momentum has posted a -15.9% move lower from its last peak on September 3 (five trading sessions have passed since).

    2. Since 1999, there have been 11 instances where Momentum has moved lower by 15% or more in consecutive trading sessions.

    3. On…[Read more]

  • Seth Golden posted an update 5 years ago

    Liquidity improved in May and August
  • How big a cut to earnings forecasts is coming? does not matter – all priced in anyhow….
    1. Bernstein expects earnings forecasts to be cut in the coming months following the slowing macro data this summer

    2. expect 12 month forward US earnings growth to be 4.5%, which is well below the combination of consensus for 1.9% growth for 2019 and 10.6%…[Read more]

  • Seth Golden posted an update 5 years ago

    Goldman Sachs:
    Jan Hatzius:

    1. Beyond September/October, we think the environment will become less supportive for further Fed rate cuts.

    2. This is mostly because core PCE inflation will likely turn sharply higher on a year-on-year basis, for two reasons.

    3. First, the current year-on-year rate is depressed by outliers to the downside in late…[Read more]

  • Seth Golden posted an update 5 years ago

    Why did US Banks rally 3.5%?
    1. the bank complex traded very well on Mon and led its cyclical peers higher.

    2. The fundamental driver for the strength was better-than-feared presentations from mgmt. teams at the Barclays conf.

    3. Investors were worried about gloomy mid-Q updates given the trajectory of rates but that didn’t happen. Citigroup, C…[Read more]

  • MS on Market Rotation
    1. active investors (long onlies and HFs) are not embracing / chasing this move

    2. US trading desk has been way better to sell in the cyclical sectors over the past few days, from active / real money

    3. on the surface move appears to be driven by macro/quant sector/factor rebalancing

  • Seth Golden and Profile picture of Jinhua PanJinhua Pan are now friends 5 years ago

  • GOLDMAN SACHS: “While we no longer expect a comprehensive trade deal with China, we think the more likely path is one in which President Trump puts tariffs on the back burner as we approach the November 2020 election.”

  • MS Cross Asset Strategist, Andrew Sheets:

    “Last week’s rally shined a light on the market’s bull case, and the importance of a better economy to that story. Given our cautious views on growth, trade progress and central bank action relative to consensus, we maintain our cautious stance. But this week was a shot across the bow: if we’re wrong…[Read more]

  • Seth Golden and Profile picture of JJJJ are now friends 5 years ago

  • Seth Golden posted an update 5 years ago

    though a substantial fraction of this rise in activity comes from an increased propensity to retweet others.”
  • Seth Golden posted an update 5 years ago

    Trump has averaged 10+ tweets a day since the start of 2016. “Starting in late 2018, however, activity has picked up substantially. The highest volume of tweets over the past four years has in fact come in recent months.”
  • Seth Golden posted an update 5 years ago

    Volfefe corresponding chart
  • Seth Golden posted an update 5 years ago

    J.P. Morgan introduces the Volfefe Index… seriously!
  • Seth Golden and Profile picture of Brian StrangBrian Strang are now friends 5 years ago

  • Seth Golden posted an update 5 years ago

    Goldman Sachs forecast for NFP: We estimate nonfarm payrolls increased 150k in August … Our forecast reflects a 15-20k boost from Census canvassing activities, but a slower underlying pace of private-sector job gains in part reflecting the return of the trade war. …

    We estimate the unemployment rate was unchanged at 3.7%. … We estimate avera…[Read more]

  • Seth Golden posted an update 5 years ago

    Credit Suisse:
    Reasons to be bullish: we are in the “yield-curve inversion sweet spot” for equities right now
    The US yield curve inverted (2 year/10 year) on August 14th

    1. 75% of the time the market is able to rise in the following 6 months

    2. average rise in 6m is 8%.

    3. If ever the US yield curve did not work as a recession pre-cursor it is…[Read more]

  • Seth Golden posted an update 5 years ago

    Marko Kolanovic:
    Think employment data will suck…

    Weaker employment data stands to have a larger market impact moving forward

    we recommend investors purchase SPY September 6th 292 strike puts for $0.94, indicatively

  • Seth Golden posted an update 5 years ago

    Nice trade we completed in the premarket today as we recently shorted shares of $UVXY at $30.91 and covered here today at $29.76. Subscribe today and trade with us!
  • Seth Golden posted an update 5 years ago

    On verge of multi-decade breakout or breakdown again
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