Seth Golden replied to the topic Hedging TVIX short position in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years ago
@dageorge42 It’s a great question, but pretty long and detailed in order to cover the totality of my thought process and as it pertains to holding period, expected profit and the overall strategy that I employ. Let me send you a private message to answer more completely.
Seth Golden posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
make sure you check your message box @dageorge42. Have a great trading day guys!
Seth Golden posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
@dageorge42 @upspeed the media is making a mockery of the VIX complex right now, agree, over time this like every other blip will subside and while the VIX itself will likely express a higher mean average over the course of the year when compared to 2017, the ETPs themselves can and likely will still express decay.