Brad Carter started the topic Increased exposure in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 7 years ago
I increased my VXX short @27.58.
Brad Carter replied to the topic UGAZ/DGAZ in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 7 years ago
Well, my timing could have been better:)
Brad Carter replied to the topic Having it both ways in the forum SodaStream (SODA) 7 years ago
…shorted again @73.20
Brad Carter started the topic UGAZ/DGAZ in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 7 years ago
This may not be the best place to post, but these are volatile! I have been monitoring gas for quite some time, and decided to go long DGAZ this morning @25.69 for a swing trade.
Brad Carter changed their profile picture 7 years ago
Brad Carter changed their profile picture 7 years ago
Brad Carter replied to the topic Having it both ways in the forum SodaStream (SODA) 7 years ago
I agree. The bias seems lower at this point.
Brad Carter started the topic Having it both ways in the forum SodaStream (SODA) 7 years ago
This has become a trading stock for me. I just covered my position @71.14 and will look to go long if it slips much more.
Brad Carter became a registered member 7 years ago