Welcome to our second in a series of interviews with financial market participants, analysts, economists and more. Finom Group’s second interview is with Matt and Mike Thompson/CFAs, of Thompson Capital Management. Please click the following link to review the interview whereby Andrew and Wayne discuss the markets and how the approach the market on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

1 Comment
  1. Mark Minnis 6 years ago

    Thanks for the carrying out the interview Wayne. It’s good to put a face to the name Matt Thompson who I’m following on Twitter.

    I would of have liked to hear about how their Alpha Seeker Fund was positioned during 2019 and what were the drivers of return during 2019. YTD return -6.4% (May -4%). From our experiences in Finom “Short Vol” has been very profitable during 2019. Has the fund been mainly positioned long vol during 2019? Did they get the timing of shorts vol trade wrong?

    Their factsheet is below.


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