The S&P 500 (SPX) has run fast, furious and unabated in it’s journey toward the 3,100 level. The benchmark index narrowly missed achieving this goal on Thursday of this past trading week. Nevertheless, the S&P 500, alongside its peer indices all finished higher for the week once again. The S&P 500 was up 0.85% from last Friday, and is up…
It’s Getting Frothy, Just The Way Santa Likes It
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Raymond James Weekly Headings
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
This week, I had the pleasure of presenting our market outlook to clients at an event held at the...
Market Always Teaches; Are We Willing To Learn?
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
As we wrap-up our third year of operations at Finom Group, we extend our gratitude to each and every...
Weekly State of the Market: Economy Is Softening, But Has Proven Resilient
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
“People who succeed in the stock market also accept periodic losses, setbacks, and unexpected occurrences. Calamitous drops do not...
Bullish Year-End Rally, Price Targets and Outlooks ?
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
Good Saturday morning Finom Group members! As I (Seth Golden) remain on vacation through December, keep in mind that...
Weekly State of the Market: An Expanding Correction
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
A Note: Structurally, the market needs breadth to improve this week, which demands improved performance from Equal-Weights and Small-Caps!...
J.P. Morgan: Yields & Equities
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
Cross-asset strategy: Almost irrespective of macro tremors like the Texas energy shock, Bonds continue to telegraph confidence in the...
New York Times Takes Aim At The Volatility Trade And Trading Crowd
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
Through no fault of my own I’ve recently found myself at the heart of the mainstream, short- volatility (VOL),...
Weekly State of the Market: Bubble, Bubble… Where?
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
The most painful thing to watch with traders is the belief that markets have to prove something to THEM,...
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