The first couple of trading days of the New Year proved a mixed bag as stocks roared higher on January 2nd and tumbled on January 3rd, after geopolitical tensions escalated between the U.S. and Iran. For the week, the S&P 500 (SPX) fell .16% and the Nasdaq (NDX) rose by the exact same amount. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)…
Iran/U.S. Conflict: Just What the Bull Needs For A Rest?
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The Bulls Are Back In Town After a Brief Vacation
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
This weekend is an off-reporting weekend, but we encourage our members to maintain a fluid understanding of the week-to-week...
February Found Little Upside Resistance, But Will March Find Consolidation?
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
Good weekend Finom Group traders/investors! While this is our off-reporting weekend (no proprietary Research Report), we aim to deliver...
Morgan Stanley Focus On Low Bar Set Up For 2020
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
At first glance, U.S. equities seem to be riding a bullish wave. The S&P 500 is up more than...
Changing Market Tide or Just Staying Afloat?
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 1
That was the longest, short trading week I’ve ever experienced (Seth Golden taking the helm of this week’s reporting,...
Bank of America Merrill Lynch 2019 Forecast & Outlook
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
BofA Merrill Lynch 2019 Market Outlook: From Peak to Trough, the Market Unfriends Stocks and Bonds, Likes Volatility, and...
Chaos, Mayhem = Opportunity
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
Good weekend to all ‼️ This weekend is our off-reporting weekend but we continue to deliver market insights, analysis,...
Goldman Sachs: Bullish Through Nvidia and September Op/Ex
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
Goldman Sachs Weekly Market Mashup Goldman Sachs’ Scott Rubner Nvidia Outlook
2022: Year In Review
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
by Barry Napp Our 2022 outlook note was titled Inflation Politics & Policy and began with a section titled “liquidity...
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