A financial market resource for the every-day investor and trader.
The big money is made in waiting and simplicity. Not in overactivity and complexity. ~Brian G of Alphacharts You...
‘Fire’ AND ‘ice’ persist in the US…Monetary policy continues to tighten as confirmation emerges that growth is slowing (PMIs...
Good Sunday to all Finom Group subscribers! This weekend is our 1 weekend of the month where we do...
Last week was “stress test” of sorts for equity markets. The combination of “hot” ISM, coupled with Fed members...
CTAs’ net long position in USD/JPY cut by half from its recent peak Macro hedge funds may act on...
With each passing week, month and year, Volatility ETPs have become more and more popular. This was no more...
There is never a time to not be honest with oneself as an investor/trader. We should always remain objective...
Our easy to access articles, news and reports offer information that may prove to generate strong trade ideas and capital returns for your portfolio.
Finomgroup.com has many additional features to suit your daily trading and investing needs including single ticker stochastics, charts and daily ticker price quotes. Additionally, finomgroup.com has all your U.S. economic data of the week found using the Economic Data tab. As Seth like’s to say, “A good volatility trader is a good economist.”