Nobody, not once, not ever, said it would be easy to make money in the financial markets as an investor or a trader. Even with such an understanding, there is a difference between making money and achieving one’s investing/trading goals. I had received a number of inquiries, e-mails and direct messages over the last several weeks and throughout the current…
Getting Zweig-Y With It
A financial market resource for the every-day investor and trader.
Reopening Meets Resistance
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
After a 1-point move in the S&P 500 (SPX) Monday, things got a bit more interesting through the remainder...
The Unemployment Rate and Stock Market
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
As a reminder, this is Finom Group’s off-reporting weekend, however we continue to disseminate relevant and trusted 3rd-party research...
Weekly State of the Market: The Lows and Highs
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
Bear markets start one of two ways, and we don’t think either cause is present currently. We call them...
Weekly State Of The Market: Weak/Bad Breadth
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
“It’s one thing to have forecasts, but if you can’t get what’s going on right now correct, there’s no...
Risk/Reward Proposition Increasingly Questioned
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
Since displacing the gains from January, which we believe is the best term to use, the S&P 500 (SPX)...
Will A New Month Find S&P 500 With A Strong Q1 End And 4,000?
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
Welcome back to Finom Group’s weekly Research Report cycle (3 weeks on, 1 week off). Investors have muddled through...
Bed Bath & Beyond Gross Margin Contraction Seems Never Ending
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
While Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBY ) is not in dire straits, the company’s consistent underperformance over the last couple of years...
With Patience And Time
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
Another difficult week for the large-cap indices like the S&P 500 (SPX) and Nasdaq Composite (COMPQ), which both fell...