Seth Golden posted an update 6 years, 11 months ago
Latest shot of VIX Futures going through the roll process. Great surge in VIX today, carried over from last week. Make sure you look for our Trading Volatility Alert Premium Subscribers. If you already read you, then you likely understand what we are doing and why. Be vigilant as we still have a pretty substantial political issue being dealt with in the form of Debt Ceiling. Resolution is needed for the January 19th deadline.
the alerts have been going into my junk mail… it’s changed now, but i kept trying to find the alerts on the website, but i now understand they were going via email.. Others may have the same problem.. just fyi!
Yea, whenever new subscriptions are taken they usually are subjected to junk mail initially. Happens to me all the time just have to be conscious of it.
@seth-golden the alerts have been going into my junk mail… it’s changed now, but i kept trying to find the alerts on the website, but i now understand they were going via email.. Others may have the same problem.. just fyi!