“The speculator fights his own good sense, struggles against his own will … and is at odds with his own decisions … There are many occasions in which every speculator seems to have two bodies so that astonished observers see a human being fighting himself.” ~Joseph de la Vega Please click on the provided link to review the weekly State…
Weekly State of the Market: Houston, We Have Tailwinds
A financial market resource for the every-day investor and trader.
The Melt-Up Persists And May Become Dangerous
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
Good Sunday morning Finom Group members! As I (Seth Golden) remain on vacation through December, keep in mind that...
The Leuthold Group’s New January Barometer
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
Based solely on calendar patterns, January’s S&P 500 gain is a mild positive for stocks over the remaining months...
Beating The Bear Market
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
The world is an imperfect place! Remember that as an investor, engaged in an imperfect marketplace with imperfect systems,...
Weekly State of the Market: Taper Tantrum Afoot?
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
They say the trading hierarchy is 10% Technical analysis, 30% Risk Management and 60% Patience & Emotion management. If...
Be Contrary On Discretionary
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
The Fed’s June announcement of a pause with further rate hikes to come has extended the uncertainty of whether...
Weekly State of the Market: Unthinkable Market Rally
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
WAR is stressing global supply chains, inflation rises yet the S&P 500 went RISK-ON over the last two weeks!...
Merrill Lynch: Capital Market Outlook (CMO)
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
Macro Strategy—Time to End Quantitative Tightening Fast Approaching: Quantitative tightening (QT) has reached its limits in the regional banking...
J.P. Morgan Analyzes the Retail Trader Impact
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
The ~3% drawdown in the S&P 500 this week took many by surprise. A key feature of this likely...
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